Crowns & Bridges

You may need a crown or a bridge if:

  • Your tooth is badly broken
  • Your cavity is too large/severe for a filling
  • Your tooth is missing altogether
  • You recently had a root canal procedure done

A crown is like a cap or covering that goes over the entirety of the tooth. Usually completed in two office visits, a crown is a permanent way to fix a damaged tooth. In the first visit, Dr. Rahaghi will examine your tooth, remove any decay and prepare the tooth for its permanent crown. He will then take an impression of the tooth so that the permanent crown fits perfectly. A temporary crown will be placed. About 10 days later, your permanent crown will be cemented to the tooth in your second visit.

Bridges are a similar procedure and most often recommended when a tooth is missing altogether or if there is not enough tooth left to place a crown. Using the neighboring teeth for support, Dr. Rahaghi will place an artificial tooth in the gap and secure it in place using the surrounding teeth.