Periodontal Treatment Bloomfield, NJ

What is Periodontics?

We consider periodontal treatment to be essential in ensuring that your gums stay strong and healthy. When gum health starts to deteriorate, it can lead to bleeding gums, gum discomfort, and eventually periodontal disease, which can lead to tooth loss. Our periodontal treatment consists of scaling and root planing. This procedure cleans the roots and removes plaque and tartar from deep pockets within the gums.

Why Would I Need to See a Periodontist?

The majority of American adults show signs of periodontal disease. For this reason, it is important to get your gums checked every six months when you visit us for your routine exam. At that point, Dr. Rahaghi will be able to advise on whether additional periodontal treatment is needed.

Make your appointment with New Jersey Dental Arts today!